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Trouver le cadeau idéal pour vos bien-aimés
4 étapes pour offrir un bijou inoubliable à la Saint-Valentin La Saint-Valentin est l’occasion idéale pour montrer à vos proches combien vous tenez à eux. Et quoi de mieux...
Notre guide cadeaux pour Noël 2024
5 entreprises québécoises à découvrir Les fêtes approchent à grands pas et il est temps de penser aux cadeaux parfaits pour vos proches. Cette année, nous vous proposons un guide...
Les Tendances Mode de l'Hiver 2024
Comment Agencer Vos Pinces à Cheveux pour suivre les tendances.L’hiver 2024 approche, et les tendances mode de cette saison sont à la fois audacieuses et élégantes. Chez Horace Jewelry, nos pinces...
Our top tips to be ready for Black Friday !
Black Friday is just around the corner, and at Horace Jewelry, it's the perfect opportunity to discover our finest jewelry at unbeatable prices! To make sure you take advantage of...
Top 5 affordable Horace Jewelry gift ideas for jewelry lovers
Looking for affordable gift ideas for jewellery lovers? jewelry lovers? Discover Horace Jewelry's selection, perfect for giving elegant and trendy accessories without spending a fortune. Our minimalist, timeless jewelry suits...
The Art of layering: A guide to layering necklaces with Horace Jewelry
Layering is a trend that allows you to personalize your style and add a unique touch to your everyday looks. At Horace Jewelry, we believe that every piece of jewelry...
Fall essentials at Horace Jewelry
Fall is here, and with it a new season of style. To face the cooler days with elegance, there's nothing better than well-chosen accessories. At Horace Jewelry, we've selected the...
Minimalist jewelry by Horace Jewelry: timeless, versatile and essential
Minimalism in fashion has come to the fore in recent years, and jewelry is no exception. At Horace Jewelry, we offer a range of minimalist jewelry designed to be both...
Enhance your hairstyle with our trendy hair accessories
Discover our collection of hair accessories at Horace Jewelry, designed to add an elegant touch to your hairstyle. Whether you're looking for a hair clip, a barrette, or an elastic...
Material guide: Everything you need to know about Horace Jewelry materials
At Horace Jewelry, we often receive questions about the materials used in our jewelry. To enlighten you, we've created this short guide to demystify the materials we use for our...
The story behind Horace Jewelry: a passion turned into a renowned jewelry company
Horace Jewelry is not simply a handcrafted jewelry brand, it's an adventure born of a passion shared by two friends, Alexandra Cloutier-Bernier and Marie-Josée Fleury. Since the creation of our...
At Horace, we're often asked the question: What causes jewelry to tarnish, and how can we prevent it? Here's our answer to that question. First of all, jewelry tarnish is...